What happens if I fail my Floor Plenum Test?

What happens if I fail my Floor Plenum Test?

A large number of floor plenums (70-80%) fail the initial air tightness test so don’t panic!
If we undertake the floor plenum test and it fails UKAS accredited test engineers will undertake a targeted smoke survey to highlight the main air leakage paths. We will then issue a detailed smoke survey report for your contractors to reference during the remedial sealing works. This will help us the remedial sealing works at they can quickly target the main air leakage paths within the floor plenum construction. We can also undertake thermal imaging surveys to pinpoint the main air leakage paths on the day of the plenum testing.

We also allow for the option of visiting site during the sealing works to ensure your contractors are adequately sealing the plenum prior to the second air tightness test. If you would like more information in regards to the most common air leakage paths visit our Plenum Testing website page or call us on 01525 303905. Supporting document BG65 / 2016 also contains lots of information on how to design, constructing and test floor plenums.

Alternatively, for more information on all our services please visit our website at: www.aptsoundtesting.co.uk


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